Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog 8

I am commenting on my classmates blog on whether or not children that are illegally here in the states should receive donated gifts for Christmas. During the holiday season used to be a time to give and help the needy. Know in Houston you have to be able to prove that you are a legal citizen to get a presents to little children who are going to watch their friends get gifts from places like the Salvation Army. I can see that you would have to prove you that you live in a city to get gifts from a fire station or even government help. Places like the Salvation Army are nonprofit organizations that get most of the presents from donation boxes placed around town. Gifts that were donated by the public for children whose parents can’t afford to buy them anything including children who aren’t citizens of America. The children who aren't legal citizens shouldn't be punished for being here in the states when it was there parents who brought them here.