Saturday, November 28, 2009

Problems With Child Protective Services

I disagree with this article from the Austin American statesman about a boy from Cedar Park who was found in a building that didn't have a bathroom, food or electricity. His mother has substance abuse problems and has a history with the Child protective services. The article talks about the child protective services believing that the best place for the boy isn't with his extended family. Child protective services say they want what is best for the boy. I think if the extended family wants the child and they are capable both financially secure and live in a stable environment they should be allowed to adopt the child. Placing the boy with his extended family that wants to give him a stable environment and make him see a counselor would be a great place for the boy if he wants to go. Moving him from home to home in the foster care system can cause him many problems in the further. Plus the family has to go through a lot of interviews and house visits before being adopted by anyone including family members. The article says that his grandparents want him to live with his aunt and uncle. The Child protective services should look into this case harder and see what is best for the boy instead of taking the easy way out, by placing him in the foster care system that could cause him more problems than help. How do they know that the aunt and uncle aren’t the best for him when they haven’t even look into the family closely.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Giving blood test to DWI suspects on the spot

I would have to agree with my classmates blog on Law enforcement giving blood test to people who are suspected for drinking and driving. Chief Acevedo Said that the city of Austin would raise money to hire trained medical workers from hospitals to draw blood and to get his men trained to take blood test on the spot during the holidays where there is a no refusal operation in effect when a person refuses to give a breath sample. It's hard enough to give a lot of sober people a blood test much less trying to give a drunk person one. For one it's not only harder to get a drunk person to cooperate it's also really dangerous for the law enforcement who could get hurt trying to get a needle into someone who is fighting back. Council member Bill Spelmen is right when he says it is scary to try and give a blood test on the spot to a drunk person. A lot of people hate needles how will they take it when a police officer takes a needle to try arm instead of trained medical staff. This is risky business Chief Acevedo is looking into.
A lot of people including myself wouldn't feel safe if a police officer would give them a blood test on the spot where the roads and surrounding areas are really dirty it's not hygienic. Plus they don't have the experience as a person who does it all the time in a clean environment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Proposition 4

Proposition 4 wants to upgrade seven Universities to the Tier-one universities status in Texas. Right now only three universities in Texas hold the tier-one status, the University of Texas, Texas A&M University and Rice University. With Texas being the second largest state population and land wise it's a little pathetic compared to California with nine tier-one universities and new with seven tier-one universities.The seven Universities Proposition 4 proposes are UT-Dallas, UT-Arlington, UT-El Paso, UT-San Antonio, Texas Tech University, the University of North Texas and the University of Houston. Upgrading Seven more universities to the tier-one status will provide new jobs and help the economy.

There is the question about the $500 million the federal government will help the universities to reach the tier-one status, if you think about it adding seven more university's to the tier-one status would open up job options to many people who are seeking employment not only for researchers and professors but also janitorial jobs and construction. Once professors and researchers start making money they are going to spend it which means more business for retails stores. Once retail stores get more business they can afforded to employee more people.

Once people start making money they will start spending it. People are going to start buying things they couldn't before. Once people Start making money the economy will pick up again.

If one of the Seven proposed Universities wanted to do research the Universities wouldn't be paying most of the scientist salaries. The researchers find grants to sponsor them with a salary. Proposition 4 could help the proposed Universities and the area around them.